Ever wonder where the leftovers go after Saturday’s Peachtree Road Farmers Market? Don’t worry, none of those delicious market-fresh foods go to waste—each week, PRFM partners with
Second Helpings to share the bounty of our farmers’ harvest. During our two year partnership, PRFM farmers and vendors have donated over 2,000 lbs of food to food pantries and shelters in metro Atlanta.
PRFM’s work with Second Helpings is the perfect complement to our partnership with the Wholesome Wave Program, which doubles EBT/SNAP (food stamp) and WIC benefits at the Peachtree Road Farmers Market. Making healthy local food accessible to all is part of PRFM’s mission and we are proud to see Second Helpings grow! With the addition of its first refrigerated truck, Second Helpings Atlanta greatly expands its perishable food pick up and distribution capabilities. Second Helpings volunteers deliver donated food every day of the week to food pantries and shelters in downtown Atlanta and the northern suburbs.
Please contact Myron Smith by phone at 404-256-4359 (h) / 404-358-6867 (c) or via email at donor@secondhelpings.info to learn more about Second Helpings Atlanta or to arrange for Second Helpings Atlanta to pick up food that you wish to donate.
- Jennifer Maley