On WABE: Sweet Sounds of the Ice Cream Social

July is National Ice Cream Month and, while it is clearly our duty to enjoy a bowl or two of this frozen treat as often as time and pant sizes allow, it’s even better to have enjoyed 30 fantastic flavors at last month’s Ice Cream Social! The fourth annual event benefiting Slow Food Atlanta brought together top chefs and home cooks, one delicious bowl at a time. Take a listen to the sounds of this year’s Social here, originally aired on WABE’s City Café. Warning: side effects to listening include hand to spoon reflexes and frequent trips to your freezer or local ice cream purveyor.

Celebrate National Ice Cream Month and the Farmers Market by making up a batch of homemade ice cream, yogurt or sorbet, like this easy Blueberry Sorbet, made with fresh berries from the Market!

- Jennifer Maley