Grilled Bamboo: Carolina Rice Salad, Spring Onion Dressing


4 stalks Young Bamboo
2 cups Carolina Gold Rice
8 cups Water


1/2 c Sugar
1/4 c Cider Vinegar
1/2 tsp Dry Mustard
2 tsp Celery Seed
1/4 cup Spring Onion (shaved thin and minced finely) Heritage Farm
2 cups Mayonnaise


1 ea Garlic Scapes (sliced very thin)
1 cup Sugar Snap Peas (trimmed and cut into julienne)

For the Rice

  1. Soak the rice in water and agitate until the water is milky and starchy. Pour both the rice and water into a pot. Bring to a boil then immediately turn down to a simmer. Cover and cook until the rice is just tender (about 5 minutes).
  2. Drain the rice through a colander. SAVE THE WATER THAT THE RICE COOKED IN! Chill the rice in ice water. Drain again once the rice is chilled and set aside.

For the Bamboo

  1. With a sharp knife, split the entire stalk in half lengthwise. Peel off the outer leaves and place in a wide pot with the rice cooking water.
  2. Boil 5 minutes then remove the bamboo. Brush with oil, season with salt and pepper and grill until charred to your taste.

For the Dressing

  1. Dissolve the sugar and dry mustard into the vinegar then combine with the rest of the ingredients

For Assembly

  1. Toss the chilled rice, sugar snap peas, garlic scapes and dressing together. Correct the seasoning with salt if necessary.
  2. Cut the bamboo into 1-inch pieces and serve on top of the rice salad.
  3. Enjoy!